899 research outputs found

    And we shall spend the first million together : narrative as basis for a case study research process

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    This work depicts the methodological rationale of a research about open innovation in SMEs. The general objective of the study is to understand how identity strategies determine the adoption and success of interactions among innovation practitioners, enabling open innovation to succeed among small firms and becoming an essential part of their business and informational strategy. The article aims at describing the choice of a specific qualitative approach, case study, linked to actor-network-theory epistemological background, as the study involves a series of innovation actors, and how narrative inquiry is chosen to be the most adequate approach to retrieve the information a case study needs to set its methodological pillars.FEDER Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETEFCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-02267

    Fatores preditores de resposta clínica em doentes com AVC isquémico submetidos a fibrinólise endovenosa

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de neurologia, apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraIntrodução Em Portugal, o AVC constitui a primeira causa de morte e uma das principais causas de incapacidade no adulto, sendo o alteplase (activador recombinante do plasminogénio tecidular – rt-PA) a única terapia médica aprovada. Vários estudos identificam fatores de risco, modificáveis e não modificáveis, como possíveis preditores de resposta clínica nestes doentes. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo a identificação de variáveis clínicas, laboratoriais e imagiológicas determinantes do prognóstico funcional em doentes com AVC isquémico submetidos a fibrinólise endovenosa. Métodos Foram estudados ambiespetivamente os doentes consecutivamente internados na UAVC, entre 1 de Abril de 2010 a 30 de Abril de 2012, com o diagnóstico inicial de AVC isquémico, submetidos a fibrinólise endovenosa e para os quais foi possível recolher o estado funcional aos 3 meses. Os dados clínicos, laboratoriais e imagiológicos foram recolhidos por consulta de instrumento de registo específico da UAVC dos CHUC-HUC. O diagnóstico final foi confirmado por consulta de carta de alta. O status funcional do doente foi avaliado aos 3 meses utilizando a escala de mRS (modified Rankin Scale). Foram considerados dois grupos distintos: um designado de “bom outcome”, para valores de mRS ≤2; e um outro designado de “mau outcome”, contemplando os doentes com mRS >2. Resultados O estudo incluiu um total de 173 doentes com diagnóstico confirmado de AVC isquémico e submetidos a fibrinólise endovenosa. Em 34% documentou-se um bom outcome aos 3 meses, enquanto 66% tiveram um mau prognóstico funcional. Na análise univariada verificou-se haver uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre o prognóstico aos três meses de evolução e as variáveis: tabagismo; medicação crónica com anticoagulantes, IECAs, ARAs e ADO; NIHSS total e item 2; leucócitos; TAS e oclusão de artéria de grande calibre. Na análise multivariada, apenas mantiveram independência como fatores preditores de prognóstico o tabagismo, a toma de ARAs, o valor de NIHSS total e a oclusão de artéria de grande calibre. Conclusão Os resultados deste estudo sugerem a medicação crónica com ARAs, a avaliação inicial pelo NIHSS (valor total) e o local de oclusão arterial como fatores preditores de resposta clínica à fibrinólise endovenosa, como terapia aguda do AVC isquémico.Background Stroke is in Portugal the first cause of death and one of the most important causes of disability in the adults, being alteplase (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator – rt-PA) the only medical treatment approved. Many studies already identified risk factors, modifiable or not, as possible predictors of clinical response on those patients. The aim of present work is identifying clinical, laboratorial and imagiological risk factors whose determine the functional prognostic in patients with acute ischemic stroke and treated with intravenous fibrinolysis. Methods All the patients admitted at the Stroke Unity, between first of April 2010 to 30th of April 2012, with the initial diagnose of acute ischemic stroke and treated with intravenous fibrinolysis and for those was possible to know the functional prognosis after three months were ambiespectively studied. Clinical, laboratorial and imagiological data were collected by accessing specific register instrumentation of Coimbra’s University Hospital’s Stroke Unity. Final diagnosis was confirmed by checking note of discharge. Functional status of patients was determined by using mRS (modified Rankin Scale) at the three months. Two distinct groups were considered: one of those named “good outcome”, including all the patients with mRS ≤2; and one another named “bad outcome”, including all the patients with mRS >2. Results This study included a total of 173 patients with confirmed diagnosis of ischemic stroke and treated with intravenous fibrinolysis. 34% of them had a good outcome at three months, while 66% had a worst functional prognosis at the same time. In univariate analysis there was a statistically significant relationship between the three months’ prognosis and: tobacco; chronic medication with anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors, ARBs and oral antidiabetics; total score and item 2 of NIHSS; leukocytes; SBP and occlusion of large artery. In multivariate analysis, only tobacco, ARBs, total value of NIHSS and occlusion of big artery, maintained the status of independent prognostic factors. Conclusions The results of this study suggest chronic medication with ARBs, initial neurological evaluation by using NIHSS (total score) and the local where the arterial occlusion occurs, as clinical prognostic factors by using intravenous fibrinolytic therapy in patients with acute ischemic stroke

    Rvolta, a case for open innovation : how can a SME be innovative in a competitive industrial environment

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    Rvolta has been working in waste management industry for 16 years now. This SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) from Portugal is taken as a focus point for the case study addressing a network of partners working in various activities which became related, so as to disclose the underlying innovative spirit, strategy and partnership structure. Objectives of the present chapter are to portray and analyze a SME success case in open innovation (through various innovation practices), and clarify how knowledge creation and collaboration amongst different players in a network takes place. An exemplary collaboration episode is told. Framing issues are addressed so as to understand how they affect open innovation in SMEs. The study finds interactions, networking, and partnership connections, are important issues and indeed make a difference, thus enabling SMEs to innovate. This case evolved from an exploratory phase of an Information Systems PhD qualitative research, addressing open and crowdsourcing innovation.(undefined

    Blog SWOT organizacional

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    Procura-se analisar o impacto potencial dos weblogs nas organizações, salientando a relevância de determinadas características desta ferramenta de comunicação mediada por computador, centrada no utilizador, perante algumas das características das organizações. Mais exactamente, como é que o blog, sendo simples de utilizar, tecnicamente acessível e de custo praticamente nulo (para além da infraestrutura de suporte), se converte num meio acessível desde grandes a micro-empresas onde, nestas últimas, já se verificam múltiplos exemplos de utilização, sendo meio e condicionante na multiplicação de valor. A utilização dos critérios de análise SWOT constitui-se como estrutura de base desta comunicação, com vista a alargar o leque de situações e contextos de utilização

    O papel do sistema regulador do apetite na fisiopatologia da obesidade

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de Endocrinologia, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA obesidade é a doença metabólica mais frequente em todo o mundo, considerada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como a epidemia do século XXI. Estima-se que em todo o Mundo existam mais de 1,5 mil milhões de adultos com algum grau de excesso de peso, dos quais 500 milhões são obesos. Trata-se de uma doença com elevado impacto socioeconómico, que se encontra associada a várias co morbilidades. Atualmente reconhece-se a importância do comportamento alimentar e da promoção de exercício físico regular no controlo da homeostasia energética. No entanto, os mecanismos pelos quais o apetite é regulado têm sido objeto de intensa pesquisa e discussão. De acordo com vários estudos, as sensações de fome e saciedade resultam de uma complexa rede de interação de hormonas e neuropeptídeos, envolvendo vários órgãos periféricos como o intestino, estômago, pâncreas ou tecido adiposo e o sistema nervoso central. Pretendeu-se com esta revisão, sumariar os recentes desenvolvimentos no conhecimento sobre o complexo sistema regulador do apetite e particularmente as suas implicações na fisiopatologia da obesidade.Obesity is the most common metabolic disease worldwide, considered by the World Health Organization the epidemic of the XXI century. It is estimated that worldwide there are over 1,5 billion adults with some degree of overweight, which 500 million are obese. It is a disease with high socio-economic impact, associated with multiple co morbidities. Nowadays we recognize the importance of the eating behavior and the promotion of regular physical exercise in the control of energy homeostasis. However, the mechanisms by which appetite is regulated have been subject of intense research and discussion. According to several studies, the sensations of hunger and satiety result of a complex interaction of hormones and neuropeptides, involving several organs such as the intestine, stomach, pancreas or adipose tissue and the central nervous system. The intention of this review was to summarize the recent developments in the knowledge about the complex system regulating appetite and particularly their implications in the pathophysiology of obesit

    The impact of artificial intelligence in education from teachers’ perspective: A case study for primary and secondary schools

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    The rapid development of disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is offering exciting opportunities for the field of education. Under the premise that AI can help bridge gaps in learning and teaching and create new opportunities for schools, a growing number of practitioners and researchers have sought to understand the potential of these technologies in educational settings. But these innovations also come at a price, and it is critical to investigate whether the benefits of AI in education (AIEd) effectively outweigh its risks. In this regard, this study aims to analyze the impact of Artificial Intelligence in education, identifying the factors that contribute to the possibility of implementing AI in Portuguese primary and secondary schools. Using a mixed research approach and collecting data from a survey answered by 184 Portuguese teachers, this research tested the effects of three factors in particular: respondents’ (1) knowledge and perceptions about the (2) benefits and (3) barriers of AI in education. The results indicated that the perceived benefits of AI in education strongly affect the intention to implement these technologies in the classroom, as opposed to the barriers. Also, knowledge of AIEd proved to be a significant factor, although teachers were more familiar with the potential of AI in theory than in practice. This situation, however, does not seem to compromise the intention to implement AI in Portuguese schools – on the contrary, it is reflected in a tendentially positive attitude towards this phenomenon.O rápido desenvolvimento de tecnologias disruptivas como a Inteligência Artificial (IA) está a trazer oportunidades empolgantes para o campo da educação. Sob a premissa de que a IA pode ajudar a colmatar lacunas na aprendizagem e no ensino e criar novas oportunidades para as escolas, um número crescente de profissionais e investigadores tem procurado compreender o potencial destas tecnologias em contextos educativos. Mas estas inovações vêm também com um preço associado, sendo por isso fundamental investigar se os benefícios da IA na educação (IAEd) compensam efetivamente os seus riscos. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar o impacto da Inteligência Artificial na educação, identificando os fatores que contribuem para a possibilidade de implementar a IA nas escolas primárias e secundárias portuguesas. Utilizando uma abordagem de investigação mista e recolhendo dados de um inquérito respondido por 184 professores portugueses, esta investigação testou os efeitos de três fatores em particular: (1) os conhecimentos e as perceções dos inquiridos relativamente aos (2) benefícios e (3) às barreiras da IA na educação. Os resultados indicaram que os benefícios percebidos sobre a IAEd impactam significativamente a vontade de implementar estas tecnologias em sala de aula, ao contrário das barreiras. Também o conhecimento sobre AIEd demonstrou ter influência, apesar dos professores estarem mais familiarizados com o potencial da IA na teoria do que na prática. Esta situação, contudo, não parece comprometer a intenção de implementar a IA nas escolas portuguesas – pelo contrário, reflete-se numa atitude tendencialmente positiva em relação a este fenómeno

    Territorial planning, its actors and instruments. The Portuguese & Hungarian Planning System

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    Territory as we know it is in constant change; distances shorten, new synergies are established, and new challenges make mankind search for answers and ways to develop in a sustainable and environment-friendly way. New contacts with people having different experiences are important because they give the opportunity to learn from others. The European Union is a great example of what is described above. Borders are open, people can freely move within the Schengen Area, territorial harmonisation is an objective of this community in order to provide better living conditions for all citizens, strengthen the economy and equilibrate disparities among regions in each country and all European members. The present study is a result of a European programme called Leonardo da Vinci, which offers work experience for post-graduates. In this case the synergy is between Letters Faculty of Lisbon University and Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Transdanubian Research Institute). The objective of the report is to provide a comparative work on the Portuguese and Hungarian territorial planning system. It is divided into three parts: first, the explanation and comprehension of the Portuguese territorial management system, its instruments and institutions are presented, which is followed by the discussion of the same issues for the Hungarian territory we identify instruments and institutions responsible for territorial organisation in connection with planning; and finally, a comparison of the two systems is given.repor

    Effect of STEAP1 knockdown in LNCaP cells subjected to bicalutamide or docetaxel treatment

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    PCa is the most diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men in the western world. Delineation of pathogenetic pathways and key driver molecular alterations involved in PCa development has provided a roadmap for the evaluation of biomarkers for their potential role in predicting disease outcome and as therapeutic targets. Two of the most used drugs for the treatment of prostate cancer are bicalutamide and docetaxel. Both drugs have their limitations and some time after treatment the patient gains resistance to therapy. To improve the diagnosis and treatment of PCa, there is an idea that some proteins can function as possible biomarkers and therapeutic goals in order to improve the conventional therapies already used. There are many proteins that are dysregulated in prostate cancer, one of which is the Six transmembrane epithelial antigen of the protate 1 (STEAP1). In normal tissues the expression of STEAP1 is practically restricted to the prostate and in cases of neoplasia it is overexpressed in the prostate. The strategic location of STEAP1 on the cell surface, low expression in normal tissues and overexpression in neoplasms mark this protein as a potential target for the diagnosis and therapy of this pathology. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate whether the sensitivity of LNCaP cells to treatment with bicalutamide and docetaxel can be improved in response to silencing of the STEAP1 gene and also to perceive the clinical significance of STEAP1 overexpression as a possible predictive biomarker in response to PCa treatment. For this, the LNCaP cells were transfected with siRNAs to silence the STEPA1 gene, and then they were stimulated with bicalutamide or docetaxel. Finally, we evaluated cell proliferation and apoptosis in response to different conditions. It was observed that there is an increase in cell proliferation and a significant decrease in apoptosis, in LNCaP cells, when STEAP1 is silenced and when there is stimulation with docetaxel or docetaxel. However, synergistic effects did not occur when the combined treatment between STEAP1 silencing and the administration of bicalutamide or docetaxel was performed. In addition, the decrease in STEAP1 expression was reversed in the presence of docetaxel, but the same is not true for bicalutamide. In summary, these preliminary results suggest that STEAP1 may be involved treatment response by bicalutamide and docetaxel. These results suggest also that STEAP1 overexpression may be used as a predictive biomarker for treatment with these anticancer drugs.O cancro da próstata (CaP) é o segundo tipo de cancro mais diagnosticado e a segunda principal causa de morte relacionada com o cancro nos homens do mundo ocidental. O delineamento das vias patogenéticas e as principais vias moleculares envolvidas no desenvolvimento do CaP, fornecem informações importantes para avaliar possíveis biomarcadores e alvos terapêuticos. Dois dos fármacos mais utilizados para o tratamento do CaP são a bicalutamida e o docetaxel. Ambos os fármacos têm as suas limitações e algum tempo depois do tratamento o paciente adquire resistência à terapia. Para melhorar o diagnóstico e o tratamento do CaP surge a ideia de que, algumas proteínas podem funcionar como possíveis biomarcadores preditivos e/ou desenvolver terapias combinadas, permitindo desta forma melhorar as terapias convencionais já utilizadas. Existem muitas proteínas que estão desreguladas no CaP, uma das quais é a proteína Six transmembrane epitelial antigen of the protate 1 (STEAP1). Nos tecidos normais a expressão da STEAP1 é praticamente restrita à próstata e em casos de neoplasia está sobre-expressa neste orgão. A localização da STEAP1 na superfície celular, associada à baixa expressão em tecidos normais e à sobre-expressão em neoplasias realçam esta proteína como um potencial biomarcador assim como um alvo terapêutico. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a sensibilidade das células LNCaP ao tratamento com bicalutamida ou docetaxel pode ser melhorada em resposta ao silenciamento do gene STEAP1, e também perceber o significado clínico da sobreexpressão da STEAP1 como um possível biomarcador preditivo em resposta ao tratamento do CaP. Para isso, as células LNCaP foram transfetadas com um siRNA específico para silenciar a expressão do gene STEPA1, e de seguida, as células foram estimuladas com bicalutamida ou docetaxel. Foi avaliada a proliferação celular e a apoptose em resposta às diferentes condições. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição da proliferação celular e um aumento significativo da apoptose em células LNCaP silenciadas para o STEAP1 e estimuladas com a bicalutamida ou docetaxel. No entanto, não foram observados efeitos sinérgicos quando foi feito o tratamento combinado entre o silenciamento do STEAP1 e a administração de bicalutamida ou docetaxel. Para além disso, a diminuição da expressão da STEAP1 foi revertida na presença de docetaxel, mas o mesmo não aconteceu com a bicalutamida. Em suma, estes resultados preliminares indicam que a STEAP1 pode estar envolvida na resposta ao tratamento pela bicalutamida ou docetaxel, sugerindo que a sobre-expressão da STEAP1 pode ser usado como um biomarcador preditivo para o tratamento com estes fármacos

    An increasing demand of Basic Biostatistics courses following the Bologna principles: a flexible blended learning approach

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    There is a growing demand in Basic Biostatistics courses in new or reformulated curricula degrees according to theBologna Process. Basic Biostatistics is a fundamental scientific component of biomedical, public health sciences and biological research areas. Both graduate students from biomedical/biological areas or mathematical/bioengineering areas should be trained to have not only the theoretical knowledge in biostatistics but also the verbal and written skills to be effective in a team research environment. The university should be prepared to offer a course in Basic Biostatistics with some flexibility in order to be easily adapted to the different profile of the students. Following the so-called Bologna Process students should be motivated to take part of the learning process and the role of the teacher is more of facilitator and tutor of that learning process. Is based on this new principle that innovation in the training programs in biostatistics is necessary. A Virtual Learning Environment was used and activities such as forums, databases and assignments were implemented. This blended learning experience revealed to have flexibility in its adaptation to the needs of different scientific areas (Aquatic Sciences, Public Health and Mathematics) and degrees (undergraduate, master and doctoral).The success achieved by a student who could only access the on-line environment indicates that an e-learning approach could be possible. The use of assignments with the format of a scientific paper developed the writing skills; forums worked as an excellent tool for sharing information and stimulating communication between students and teacher; and databases stimulated students to research topics of the program and thereby participate in their own learning process. This training program was an opportunity to innovate the teaching and learning methodology of Basic Biostatistics. Students were trained to be able to convert data into information with a balance between knowledge of statistical methodology and training in communication. Students also developed skills and competencies necessary to the knowledge society and professional career. This training program could also be considered in more advanced biostatistics programs, distance learning programs or even other courses, according to the student market in higher education